That's my baby boy!!

Posted by James, Heather, Evan, Emie and Pete at 10:53 AM 0 comments
I did not realize how long it had been since my last post! SO much has happened over the past year!!
Updates on Evan:
Evan has grown so much over the past year. He has learned so much and teaches James and me something new every single day!! He is staying with "Miss Amy" while James and I work and he has loved every minute! He has made such great little friends. They seem to have a lot of fun every day. At Evan's two year appointment, he weighed 31 pounds--a growing boy! We are quickly approaching his third birthday and I can not believe it! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday we were planning to bring this sweet little thing home and now he is FILLED with his own opinions! We are getting together an alligator party this year...this should be eventful! Do you know how difficult it is to find alligator stuff??? Anyway, Evan is doing great and looking forward to being 3---but am I??
James and Me:
We are doing great! Work is going well for both of us and we stay busy with church activities. We are currently looking for land or a bigger house. We would love to expand the Talley family, however that is just not possible in our current home!! We need another bedroom! It makes me a little sad to think about leaving this house, we have put so much into it! We picked out colors, the floor plan, and James built an amazing fence! Not to mention our pond in the backyard! If only there was room to add on!
I turned 29 this year and along came gray hairs! I really thought I would be ok with it, but boy was I wrong! I made myself an appointment, got a new hair-do and some highlights! Thanks Mary!!
I started a photography business this past March, Touch of Talley Photography, and it is going well. I love every session and it makes me smile to capture sweet moments for families. I am so thankful God has provided this opportunity.
'Ole Pete is still with us and is finding new ways to put up with Evan every day. They really do get a long well...as long as he does what Evan wants!! haha We do love our Pete!
There is so much more I could say, but I guess this will do for now! I vow to update more. I see a change coming for our blog...MY BLESSINGS ARE MANY...MY HEART IS FULL!!
Posted by James, Heather, Evan, Emie and Pete at 10:18 AM 0 comments