Thursday, June 24, 2010

From Superman to Spaghetti- Enjoy!

Here are some random pictures of us. Hope you enjoy!!
Evan is growing so much each and every day. He is learning more and more and
amazes us with his whit and charm. He is smarter than I ever remember being-
And he is pretty darn cute- if I say so myself!! He is our little bundle of JOY!!
Thanks Uncle John and Aunt Michelle for my Superman outfit!
We love and miss you two!

Perfect landing....right on Mama!!
What is not to love about these two faces???

Chocolate Chip Pancakes are a favorite around out house!

Here are the pictures...

yes, and....

wanting to see his picture...
Now here's the story: We were having a hard time getting Evan to eat
(he was going through a growing phase and did not want to eat...weird, I know) so
James decided to teach Evan "how the piggies eat." Of course, it would be with
spaghetti. What a mess!! He would even get the snorts in here and there.
Now, James and Evan both figured out that this was NOT one of my most favorite things
for them to do, so occasionally, Evan will start to do it all on his own- no prompting needed.
Thanks, James!!
So far we are good and he has not tried this out in public...I am just waiting on the day!
I must admit, it did make for pretty cute pictures!!