Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Now We Wait...AGAIN!

The Dr.'s office called this morning and they said we were not going to be able to do the Spinal Tap tomorrow because there was more bloodwork that needed to be done. Well, that just did not sit well! I explained to the sweet young lady on the phone that I felt it was important that we go ahead and pull this fluid as soon as possible...I have already waited a week and did not feel that waiting another week was what I needed (or wanted) to do. She agreed and promised she would talk with Dr. V and get back with me. I did not have to wait too long to hear from Dr. V. He called me and assured me that he wanted me to have this done asap and that he was calling to get me in with another facility tomorrow.

I got the call and he told me it was on for tomorrow at Brookwood, 11 am. I was so excited and began to make plans. Well, that was short lived! He called me back and told me that Brookwood had called him and the original day/time was not a "true time." What in the world does that mean? Well, for me it means that I will not be going tomorrow for the procedure.

I am scheduled, however for my Spinal Tap to be completed on Monday, October 3, 10:30 am at Brookwood Hospital. I am trying to help myself remember to take deep breaths!!

I was out and about when I received these calls, so all the way back to the office I rode in silence and listened for God. I've been doing a lot of that lately. All I keep hearing was my voice repeat over and over, "God's timing is perfect!" At this point, other than His love and faithfulness, that is what I am clinging to! So, for now we wait! We pray! And we listen!

I know for sure that He is protecting me. I know for sure that He has me in His hands. I know for sure He only wants what is best for me and oh how he loves me!

For those of you who know me, know that waiting has not always been the thing that I am the best at. I tend to get impatient and try to rush things. God is teaching me some valuable life lessons. Please pray that I fully rely on Him to guide me (and James) through this process. Prayer requests remain the same from yesterday's post (see below). Please know that I am thankful for each of you who read this and pray!

Until next time...