Sunday, August 31, 2008

Evan is Here!!!!

Here are some pictures of our little man! Quick story of his delivery...we checked in Wednesday night to start the dilation pill, which did start contractions. Thursday morning, Dr. Ashurst broke my water and gave the ok for my epidural. I got that and was resting comfortably. The nurse came in to check my dilation and discovered some bleeding...more than she was comfortable with, she called the Dr. He ordered for them to prepare me for a C-section. Evan's heartrate was up. Within just a few minutes, we were in the section room preparing to meet Evan. Within 19 minutes our precious little man was here. He was sent to the NICU because he had some fluid on his lungs, his heartrate was elevated and his blood pressure was down. James went with Evan to the nursery as they finished everything up with me and I finally got to hold him later Thursday night. We are now waiting to be discharged to head home! He is getting to go home with us! I will post more details of the past few days later-some of which has been a blur and some details include the roller coaster emotions, with more pictures (of course). Hope you all enjoy!


The George's said...

Congrats on your new arrival! HE is precious!!!!! Glad yall got to go home!!!

the davis' blog said...

Evan is beautiful!!!
I am so thankful that you are both doing well and that you can come home. I can't wait to see you two, and hold Mr. Evan.
Know that we are praying for you and love you!!!

0 said...

He is a beautiful baby!! (I think he looks like his Daddy!!) I know you are proud, and we are all thankful for his safe & healthy arrival!